domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Nature vs. Nurture: Homosexuality

Does someone choose to be gay or are they made that way? Many scientists have been trying to answer that question but just haven’t succeeded. There are many theories but none of them have been proven. I would have definitely kept on thinking that the environment a person is in affects them and that they choose to be gay, if I hadn’t realized that there is no explanation for why a person would choose to be someone that most people and society look down upon. It just doesn’t make sense. In my opinion it is a combination of genes, hormones, and the environment surrounding the person, such as in the rat experiment. That study showed that animals, including humans can change and act differently from receiving different amounts of hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. It was very interesting to learn that for every brother a right-handed man has, his chances of being gay increase by 1/3. It makes sense that a woman’s body would try to get rid of a baby boy since it isn’t able to recognize it. The only flaw that this theory has is that it gives no explanation for why some women are lesbians or why only one twin might be gay or lesbian when they have an identical twin. Although this might not be the answer to homosexuality and where it comes from, it is a step to finding the answer.

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