viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Mind of a Murderer

In my opinion murderers are made the way that they are and are not born that way. The causes are not just one thing but a combination of various experiences. Studies show that most murderers are abused or witness abuse at an early age. It is said that most killers experience or witness violence when they are young and so they learn to behave that way. Not only are those moments traumatizing for the average human but especially for young children. Memories are engraved in us and it doesn’t matter how hard we try to get rid of them but they will always stay with us. Also, studies show that most murderers have had brain damage or injuries. The loss of a part of the brain can completely change a person and how he/she reacts to something. The combination of abuse and brain damages sparks the person into becoming a killer.
I completely agree with the idea of how nature affects us when we are young and how we evolve because of our surroundings. The household is the foundation of a person and how they will most likely view life, so if a young child sees violence at home he/she will grow up thinking that violence is perfectly normal, when it is not. Parents must realize they have to be careful on what they are showing their kids as right and wrong.
Once a person becomes a killer, they aren’t able to stop themselves. It’s like as if they are missing the emergency brake that allows most humans to control themselves from overreacting when angry or emotional. The mind of a murderer is wired differently, usually from an accident that has caused brain damage and they are missing the feelings of empathy and concern for people. It is sad how fast a person can end the life of someone who will then be missed so much. I hope that somebody will create a way to cure murderers and prevent so many unnecessary tragedies.

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